A mom with a license plate that reads ‘PB4WEGO’ wins a battle with the state to keep it


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If you’re a parent, heading out the door before a car ride with the kids probably goes a little like this:
At least for one New Hampshire woman, that was pretty much the ongoing conversation she had with her four kids … so much that she made it her vanity license plate for 15 years.

Wendy Auger is proud of her “PB4WEGO” plate and told CNN she’s never had any issues with it. Until now.
New Hampshire asked Auger, in a letter she received August 16, to surrender her plate because it includes a phrase relating to “sexual or excretory acts or functions,” said Auger.
The recall letter from the Department of Safety Division of Motor Vehicles addressed to Wendy Auger.
Courtesy Wendy Auger
I’m not a political activist,” she said. “But this is a non-offensive thing that I’ve had and it’s part of who we are as a family and who I am and there was zero reason for them to take it away.”
The recall letter said Auger had 10 days to surrender her plate with the option to choose another vanity plate at no extra cost or have one assigned to her.

If Auger chose to get a regular plate, a portion of her vanity plate fee would be refunded to her, according to the letter.
Wow, what an interesting story! Wendy Auger’s “PB4WEGO” plate is such a fun, relatable phrase for parents, especially when it’s tied to family life! 🚗👦👧 But it’s surprising that it’s causing a stir now. I can totally see how a harmless, everyday saying can get misunderstood, but it's a shame she has to give it up after so many years. I’m sure lots of people can relate to that “PB4WEGO” moment when getting out the door with kids. 😅 What do you think, was the state too quick to judge this plate?