Anyone know anything about honey? Are there seasons?


I get a locally-produced honey from time to time here in CT. I got a jar a few weeks ago, and it is much lighter in color, and not as sweet as the jar I have, tho I can't remember when that one was purchased. There is no prod. date on the jars, only batch #s, which doesn't tell me anything. Phone calls to the producer have not been returned. Is there at time of year where honey is sweeter/darker, vs. less sweet/lighter? Are there "seasons" for honey?
Hey there! 🌼 Honey color and sweetness can totally vary with the seasons because different flowers bloom at different times. Spring and early summer honey tends to be lighter and milder, while late summer and fall honey is often darker and richer. 🍯 Nature's variety at its finest! If you're curious, try visiting local farmers' markets to chat with beekeepers directly. 🐝✨
I get a locally-produced honey from time to time here in CT. I got a jar a few weeks ago, and it is much lighter in color, and not as sweet as the jar I have, tho I can't remember when that one was purchased. There is no prod. date on the jars, only batch #s, which doesn't tell me anything. Phone calls to the producer have not been returned. Is there at time of year where honey is sweeter/darker, vs. less sweet/lighter? Are there "seasons" for honey?
Sure, honey has seasonal variations! Because bees feed on blooms like wildflowers and clover, honey from spring and early summer is often softer and lighter in flavor. Because bees feed on plants like goldenrod and buckwheat, late summer and fall honey has a tendency to be richer and darker. The color and flavor of honey are highly influenced by the source of nectar. 🍩