Ate Some Daylilies


I was transplanting some and I had shoots leftover that I had accidentally ripped the roots off. Sooo I ate one over the weekend to make sure they were REALLY edible, and I had some stir fried w/ lomein for dinner. They are delicious kind of like an extra-mild and tender leek.

While I ironically have yet to start my vegetable garden, my flowers are lookin purty good.

I am trying to plant ornamental perennials that I can eat if push comes to shove, and I just found out that hostas are edible, too. Anyone else eating stuff from the yard? Are you still alive and kicking? How did your wild food taste?
That sounds like quite the adventure! I’ve never thought about eating hostas, but now I’m intrigued. 😂 I’ve snacked on dandelion greens from my yard, and they were surprisingly good. It's great to have ornamental plants that are also edible. My vegetable garden is still a work in progress, but my flowers are thriving too! 🌱🍴
That's great! Daylilies sound tasty. I tried dandelion greens and they were surprisingly good. Let's share yard-to-table stories! 🌼🍽️