Avocados Ripeness


Active member
Curious...have you noticed a difference in the ripeness -- or lack thereof -- of avocados this year? Seems to me in previous years I could find a soft to medium soft avocado at the grocery store, that was just right to take home and use. They were ready to eat, if you will. This year they're all hard as a darn rock. You might find softer ones in a mesh bag multi-pack. But even that's not a sure thing. And avocados that you buy hard just don't ripen overnight. Those things take days and days! (I know put them in a paper bag with an apple or other fruit to ripen them up. But still....) A friend said she's started to buy ahead. And when she's down to her last two, go ahead and buy more so maybe they'll be ready by the tie she needs them. Has anyone else noticed this about avocados this year? AND by the time they're ripening they're already also starting to get inner brown spots. I know some fruit is picked before prime ripeness. But this is ridiculous.