Canned Pea Soup


Let me preface this by saying I LOVE green peas. I have made my own pea soup that we really enjoy. I've never had good luck with canned pea soup. But since we like Amy's products, I decided to try theirs. But once again I was sadly disappointed. Couldn't dress it up to get a decent taste. Finally just tossed the whole pot. Thing is, there wasn't one thing on the label that I didn't like. I use every ingredient when I make my own.

All I can wonder is if they so heavily overcook the peas in the canning process, they destroy the flavor? Mine has the bright green color of peas while the canned is the color of Army olive drab. And tastes that way too.

Is it just me or have others had the same "luck" with canned pea soup? Thanks y'all.
You're not alone! Canned pea soup often loses its fresh flavor and vibrant color due to the heavy processing. Homemade always seems to taste better because you can control the cooking time and ingredients.