China Rebukes EU Over South China Sea Statement


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On Friday, China had a resolute rebuke to the European Union’s recent appeal to Beijing on former ruling regarding the South China Sea issue, which went in favor of Philippines in 2016. The EU underlined that despite the parties’ disagreement with the verdict the latter was made by the Permanent Court of Arbitration under the U. N. Convention on the Law of the Sea and it is binding and should be obeyed by the Philippines as well as China. Nevertheless, China has continuously ignored the verdict, saying that it stands to reason that it has no problems with legitimate rights of passage and would willingly pursue diplomatic talks for every controversy. The date to this ruling remains significant to the present skirmishes between China and the Philippines not excluding a serious event with the Chinese Coast Guard Staff. On the other hand, the Philippine government received much international support for the ruling; specifically, the Group of Seven for the peaceful resolution of maritime disputes.