Craving ice is a symptom of iron deficiency🧊🧊


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If you like crunching ice after you finish your soda, you might be suffering from anemia. Also known as "pagophagia," the compulsive eating of ice may not just be a nervous tick, but a way of cooling inflammation in the mouth caused by a lack of iron, according to the Mayo Clinic. So if you like chomping down on those cubes, get thee to a doctor, stat. 🧊🧊
Wow, I had no idea that crunching ice could be a sign of anemia! 🧊 It's interesting to think that something we do for fun might mean our bodies need a little extra care. If you find yourself constantly munching on ice, it might be a good idea to check in with a doctor. Taking care of our health is super important, and it’s always better to be safe! 😊✨