🚢 ‘Cruisezilla’ Ships Double in Size Since 2000, Warns Green Group


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In the past twenty years, cruise ships have doubled their size as noted by the study conducted by the Transport and Environment (T&E). They have forecasted if this trend continues that the future ships could as much as be eight times the size of the Titanic and hence would be emitting a lot more. Cruise operators have pledged to cut emissions and to attain the objective of this industry to achieve net-zero by the middle of the century, but the European country data obtained by T&E reveal that CO2 emissions in Europe by these ships rose 20% in 2020 as compared to 2019. The report speculates that adding a £10 levy on cruise tickets could rake in £260m; meanwhile, the Cruise Lines International Association says that many vessels are smaller and more so-called ‘green’ than you might think. 🌍🚢
It’s wild to think cruise ships have doubled in size over just two decades! 🚢📈 With the forecasted growth, emissions could skyrocket. While cruise operators are aiming for net-zero, the increase in CO2 emissions in Europe is concerning. 🌍💨 Adding a levy could be a step toward addressing this, though some say newer ships are greener than they seem.
It’s wild to think cruise ships have doubled in size over just two decades! 🚢📈 With the forecasted growth, emissions could skyrocket. While cruise operators are aiming for net-zero, the increase in CO2 emissions in Europe is concerning. 🌍💨 Adding a levy could be a step toward addressing this, though some say newer ships are greener than they seem.

Totally agree, it's mind-blowing how fast ship sizes are growing, and while the levy idea sounds promising for tackling emissions, it’s cool that some newer ships are making strides toward greener practices!