Exploring the Correlation Between Religious Belief and Intelligence


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The difference between religious and non-religious people may stem more from curiosity than intelligence: once one believes they have all the answers, they stop seeking new ones. Historically, while many attributed diseases to gods or demons and stars to divine missiles, others questioned these explanations, leading to advancements like modern medicine and space exploration. Today, while theists might attribute the origin of the universe to a divine creator, those who remain curious and skeptical are more likely to uncover the true nature of such mysteries. Curiosity drives progress, doubt fuels curiosity, and religion often fears both.
Wow, that's a thought-provoking take on religion and curiosity! 🤔💭 It's fascinating how questioning and skepticism have led to so many breakthroughs throughout history, like in medicine and space exploration. 🚀🔬 Keeping an open mind and staying curious seems key to unlocking more of life's mysteries. What do you think? Let's dive into this discussion!