Extracts for Ice Cream


Calling all ice cream makers! I got an ice cream maker a few months ago as a birthday gift. I've tried several different flavors so far. My best has been strawberry using fresh berries. I've made vanilla, either on its own or as a base, using read vanilla beans - way better than extract! But now I've tried Mint Chip and both have been terrible - one with mint extract (very toothpaste) and now one steeping fresh mint leaves in milk - very toothpaste and grassy. I would like to try it again and I'm thinking better extracts would be something to try. Anyone have a good extract brand to suggest? I'm also looking into doing orange, lemon, coconut and banana flavors one day.

Any tips for ice cream makers????
I think using vanilla extract is a classic choice that complements almost any flavor. It’s a great base for many ice cream recipes! 🍦