For non-vegans, how do you feel about vegan food?


We tried some items from the above mentioned bakery and were wowed by them. Honestly, we never would have known they were vegan had we not had that info before going. I sent a note to the owner suggesting that he get the word out that his bakery is all vegan. He got back to me and said in so many words, he tried doing that but found out that many people are turned off by it and have a negative bias when it comes to how vegan items would taste.

So those of you who don't have a vegan/vegetarian diet, are you willing to try any vegan items? If you ate something vegan without knowing, would it anger you?
That’s interesting! I’d definitely try vegan items, especially if they taste good. 😊 I think most people would appreciate a tasty treat, regardless of its vegan status. No anger here if it’s delicious! 😋