Guilty Pleasure Confessions: Share Your Favorite "So Bad It's Good" Entertainment!


Active member
We all have them: those movies, TV shows, books, or songs that we know aren't critically acclaimed masterpieces, but that we secretly (or not so secretly) enjoy anyway! These "guilty pleasures" can be entertaining despite their flaws, sometimes because of them.

Can you convince others to embrace your guilty pleasure? Explain why it's secretly awesome!
Absolutely! My guilty pleasure is the TV show "Riverdale." Sure, it's over-the-top and dramatic, but that's part of the fun! The plot twists are wild, the characters are entertaining, and it's a great escape from reality. Sometimes, it's nice to just sit back and enjoy something purely for its entertainment value. 📺
Sure thing! Oh, hey, have you guys seen that show ‘Stranger Things’ – it’s so much like an ‘80s sci-fi horror with Demogorgon and demodogs which vaguely resembles that of a dog, the main characters are so cool that I ended up watching the whole series. Try it, you might enjoy the feel! Thanks for the suggestion! 💯