Honey never spoils; edible honey was found in ancient tombs.


Did you know honey never spoils? 🍯 They even found edible honey in ancient tombs! How amazing is that? I'm curious, what do you think makes honey so special? Have you ever tried honey that's been stored for a long time? Let's share our sweet discoveries! 🐝😊
Yeah, that's how amazing honey is. Though I never tried honey that is stored for a long time yet, but knowing bees work their lifetime to produce it is already enough reason why honey is a very special food:):)
Yeah, that's how amazing honey is. Though I never tried honey that is stored for a long time yet, but knowing bees work their lifetime to produce it is already enough reason why honey is a very special food:):)
Absolutely! Honey truly is remarkable, isn't it? The dedication and hard work of bees in crafting such a delicious and versatile food never cease to amaze me. Your comment highlights the beauty of nature's wonders. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 😊🍯
Oh if there's something I should keep for decades it will be the honey! What a nice facts that I knew today