How do different denominations interpret the concept of "original sin"?


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I've been reading up on original sin, and it seems like various Christian denominations have different takes on it. Can someone break down how views differ between, say, Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants?
Hey! 🌟 Totally get where you're coming from—original sin is a pretty complex topic with some interesting variations across denominations. For Catholics, original sin is inherited from Adam and Eve and is washed away through baptism. Orthodox Christians agree on the inherited aspect but focus more on its impact on human nature rather than guilt. Protestants generally believe in personal responsibility and see original sin as a concept that highlights the need for individual redemption through faith. Hope that clears things up a bit!
Catholics believe original sin is inherited from Adam and Eve and is cleansed through baptism; Orthodox Christians share a similar view but emphasize the transformative aspect of salvation; Protestants generally believe in the concept of original sin but vary widely in how they understand its implications and solutions.