How do you properly store and serve Epoisses?


Active member
I recently bought a wheel of Epoisses and want to make sure I store and serve it correctly to enjoy its full flavor. Any tips on the best way to keep it fresh and how to serve it for maximum enjoyment? Also, what are your favorite pairings with this pungent delight?
Keep it Wrapped store Epoisses in its original packaging or wrap it in parchment paper, then place it in an airtight container to prevent it from absorbing other odors in the fridge.
I recently bought a wheel of Epoisses and want to make sure I store and serve it correctly to enjoy its full flavor. Any tips on the best way to keep it fresh and how to serve it for maximum enjoyment? Also, what are your favorite pairings with this pungent delight?
Epoisses: the stinky but delicious cheese. How do you store this beast and serve it right?