How far in advance can I buy a fully-cooked ham and keep in fridge?


I want to buy half a fully cooked (city) ham for Christmas. I don't want to get it too early but I don't want to go too late and not be able to find one that's the right size!

For how long can I safely store a half-ham, still in the package before actually cooking (heating) it for Christmas day dinner? I don't want to freeze it and I do anticipate having lots of leftovers to deal with after.
For a fully cooked city ham, you can usually store it in the fridge for about 1-2 weeks before you plan to heat it up. Just make sure it stays in its original packaging and is kept at a consistent fridge temperature. If you're planning ahead, picking it up a week before Christmas should give you plenty of time to keep it fresh and avoid any last-minute rush! 🍽️

And don't worry about the leftovers—there are so many delicious ways to use them up!
You can safely store a fully cooked ham in the refrigerator for up to a week before cooking it, so buying it a few days in advance should work well.