If my eggs are past the date


Past due dates are largely a marketing ploy to get grocers to toss good food and restock their shelves with new purchases, and to give a modicum of liability protection...Those dates mean nothing about the actual safety of the food. Store-bought eggs have been washed and irradiated. That essentially removes all the bacteria they started out with, but doesn't prevent them from picking up new bugs along the way. The washing removes the protective coat from the egg, so it's easier for any new bacteria to penetrate the shell. These eggs don't keep as well as un-washed eggs. The prolonged boiling should kill off any bacteria in there and probably destroy any bacterial endotoxin....Put the eggs in water as a test. If an egg floats, discard it. Bacterial action has produced gas, allowing it to float. Re: calcium for plants-- You need a Goldilocks amount of Ca in the soil for good plant growth. Too much impedes the absorption of other essential nutrients, so don't over-do it.
Past due dates are largely a marketing ploy to get grocers to toss good food and restock their shelves with new purchases, and to give a modicum of liability protection...Those dates mean nothing about the actual safety of the food. Store-bought eggs have been washed and irradiated. That essentially removes all the bacteria they started out with, but doesn't prevent them from picking up new bugs along the way. The washing removes the protective coat from the egg, so it's easier for any new bacteria to penetrate the shell. These eggs don't keep as well as un-washed eggs. The prolonged boiling should kill off any bacteria in there and probably destroy any bacterial endotoxin....Put the eggs in water as a test. If an egg floats, discard it. Bacterial action has produced gas, allowing it to float. Re: calcium for plants-- You need a Goldilocks amount of Ca in the soil for good plant growth. Too much impedes the absorption of other essential nutrients, so don't over-do it.
The water test is a reliable way to check egg freshness - if they float, discard them. 🥚💡