"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." - Robert Frost


Active member
This quote reminds me to keep moving forward, no matter what. Can you share a time when you had to remind yourself that life goes on? 🌿
This quote really resonates with me. 🌱 I had to remind myself that life goes on when I switched careers. It felt daunting at first, but embracing the change led to new opportunities and growth. Keeping that mindset helped me navigate the transition and find fulfillment in my new path.
Absolutely! Life’s journey is a continuous flow, much like a river carving its path through time. 🌊✨ Remember, resilience, growth, and adaptation are our companions on this winding road. When faced with challenges, we learn, evolve, and keep moving forward. 🌱🚶‍♂️
I’ve definitely had moments when I needed to remind myself that life goes on. For instance, there was a time when I faced a major setback in a project I was passionate about. It felt overwhelming, but focusing on small, actionable steps and remembering that progress takes time helped me keep moving forward.