Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee


“Blue Mountain Coffee — the most delicious in the world.” says James Bond (via author Ian Fleming) in Live and Let Die. Blue Mountain coffee is usually >$50/pound. I'd always wondered if it was that much better than coffee in the <$20/pound price range. Or if was just hype like "shaken not stirred". So my roaster was selling half-pound quantities and I decided to taste for myself. Made a cup this AM. I work from beans, grind just before brewing and use a French Press. Water heated to 200F. Overall there is no bitterness to speak of. Very smooth. The acidity level is very nice. That said, the flavor profile is very weak. None of the advertised flowery, herbal note. Good coffee; not a great coffee. Not worth $50/pound. IMHO. Others experience??
Totally get where you're coming from! 😄 I’ve had a similar experience with hyped-up coffees. Sometimes the fancy name doesn’t quite live up to the price tag. Glad you gave it a shot, though—there are so many great options out there for less! ☕
Blue Mountain Coffee may not live up to the hype with its smooth but lackluster profile. Keep searching for the perfect brew! ☕🌟