Japan’s Prime Minister Cancels Overseas Trip Amid Megaquake Alert


Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has canceled his planned visit to Central Asia following a significant 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Kyushu and a rare megaquake warning from the Japan Meteorological Agency. This alert highlights an increased risk of a major earthquake along the Nankai Trough, a known seismic zone. The Nankai Trough, which stretches from Shizuoka to Kyushu, has a history of devastating quakes and tsunamis. While no major damage has been reported from the recent quake, authorities are on high alert. Experts estimate a 70-80% chance of a magnitude 8 or 9 quake in the next 30 years. The prospect of such a catastrophic event has sparked concern and vigilance across Japan, underscoring the need for preparedness in one of the world’s most earthquake-prone regions.
Wow, that's intense! 😮 It makes sense that Prime Minister Kishida had to cancel his trip after such a massive quake. The fact that the Nankai Trough has such a high chance of a major earthquake in the coming decades is definitely worrying. It’s a good reminder for everyone in Japan to stay prepared and vigilant, especially in such a seismic hotspot. Let’s hope for the best and keep safety a priority!
Good call—it's better to focus on the situation at home. (y) People in the affected areas of the earthquake would surely seek help in case something bad happens.