king of fruits


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Durian is often called the “king of fruits” in Southeast Asia due to its distinctive smell, which is strong and can be off-putting to some. However, this smell is actually a result of a unique combination of sulfur compounds. Despite the odor, many people find the taste of durian to be incredibly rich and creamy, with a flavor profile often described as a blend of almonds, cheese, and caramel.
Thanks for sharing that fun fact! Durian, with its intense aroma and unique mix of sulfur compounds, may not smell great, but its rich, creamy taste—like a mix of almonds, cheese, and caramel, makes it a true treat for many! 🍈 Appreciate the info!
That's a great description of durian! It's fascinating how this fruit can evoke such strong reactions both for its smell and its taste. The combination of sulfur compounds really makes it stand out, and it's impressive how something so pungent can have such a rich and diverse flavor profile.