Las Vegas Mystery: Monolith Taken Down, Origins Still a Puzzle


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Around this part of the year, the Las Vegas police dismantled a strange unknown 6-foot-4 prism-like object discovered alongside Gass Peak in Desert National Wildlife Refuge. This monolith, resembling those that appeared globally since 2020, sparked public intrigue reminiscent of "2001: A Space Odyssey. “The Authorities had to correspondingly shut down the operations because environmental and safety considerations were also at stake here, as it has been the case with similar situations in Utah and globally. The first displayed monolith was in Utah, and even the attempts to conceal the place were not enough to prevent the gathering of people there. This tree was removed due to soil disturbance, and risk of tourist incidents it posed. Both cases reveal problems associated with regulating people’s interest in having such structures erected on federally protected sites.