Maya Angelou: 'You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.'


Hey creative minds! 🎨 Have you heard Maya Angelou's quote, "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have"? How true do you think this is? What are your favorite ways to spark creativity in your life? Let's share our tips and inspire each other! 💡
Absolutely love that quote! I totally believe it's true. For me, spending time in nature or just doodling in a sketchbook always gets my creative juices flowing.😊😊
Absolutely love that quote! I totally believe it's true. For me, spending time in nature or just doodling in a sketchbook always gets my creative juices flowing.😊😊
I'm so glad you resonate with the quote! Nature and doodling are such fantastic ways to ignite creativity. It's amazing how simple moments like those can spark inspiration. Keep those creative juices flowing! 😊