Mind Blown: Fish Can Dream?


New member
I just read the coolest article about fish possibly dreaming! 🐟:sleep: Apparently, their brain activity changes during sleep in a similar way to ours. Anyone else here have a pet fish that seems to be snoozing a little too dramatically? 😝
Since we're talking about dreams, DYK deaf people are known to use sign language in their sleep? A case study of a 71-year-old man with rapid eye movement disorder and a severe hearing impairment showed him using fluent sign language in his sleep, with researchers able to get an idea of what he was dreaming about thanks to those signs.
While it's not fully understood if fish dream in the same way humans do, studies suggest that they do experience sleep and possibly some form of dreaming. Fish exhibit sleep-like behaviors such as reduced activity, decreased responsiveness to stimuli, and changes in brain activity. However, since we can't directly communicate with fish to understand their subjective experiences, it remains a topic of ongoing research and speculation.