Monkeys Use Names to Chat, Study Finds 🐒🗣️


A new study has found that marmosets can communicate by name, making them the first non-human primates to show this behavior. These tree-dwelling monkeys use specific "phee-calls" to address one another and know when they're being called, which researchers say is a high-level cognitive ability previously seen only in humans, dolphins, and elephants. The discovery, made by a team from Hebrew University, reveals that marmosets can learn and use vocal labels similar to human names, suggesting that the roots of language may have deeper evolutionary origins than we thought
Whoa, that's amazing! ✨ Marmosets using “names” to communicate is such a cool discovery! It’s wild to think that these little guys are showing cognitive abilities similar to humans, dolphins, and elephants. This definitely makes us rethink how deep the roots of language really go. Evolution is mind-blowing!
I think it’s amazing that monkeys might use names! Though, I’m curious how they figured that out—monkey linguistics sounds fascinating 🐒🧠.