OpenAI Deactivates ChatGPT Accounts Linked to Iranian Operation


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On Aug. 16, OpenAI revealed that the company has banned several ChatGPT accounts using the AI chatbot to spread false information as part of an Iranian influence operation. 😧

The American AI company shared that the covert operation called Storm-2035 produced content on different topics including the U.S. presidential election. However, the accounts were deactivated before the information drew a big audience. 🇮🇷

The scheme also created misleading content on "the conflict in Gaza, Israel's presence at the Olympic Games" and "politics in Venezuela, the rights of Latinx communities in the U.S. and Scottish independence". 🇮🇱

OpenAI further said that the operation also included some fashion and beauty content probably to try to look authentic or build a following.
Wow, this is serious! 😧 OpenAI just revealed they banned several ChatGPT accounts involved in spreading false info for an Iranian influence operation. 🇮🇷 They were pushing misleading content on a range of topics, from U.S. elections to Scottish independence. Even some fashion and beauty posts to seem legit! 😱👀 It's wild how far these schemes can go.