Origin of All: The Big Bang and Universal Matter Creation


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In a mere fraction of a second, the Big Bang gave rise to all matter in the universe, a process beyond the realm of our known physics. Today, the universe boasts an immense array of galaxies, stars, planets, and celestial remnants, observable through instruments like the Kepler and Hubble Telescopes. In this vast cosmic expanse, Earth appears minuscule by comparison. 🌏
In a mere fraction of a second, the Big Bang gave rise to all matter in the universe, a process beyond the realm of our known physics. Today, the universe boasts an immense array of galaxies, stars, planets, and celestial remnants, observable through instruments like the Kepler and Hubble Telescopes. In this vast cosmic expanse, Earth appears minuscule by comparison. 🌏
Big Bang = universe's epic origin story. From teeny tiny point to vast cosmos...mind = blown! #SpaceOdyssey