Phantom Vibration Syndrome: Why You Feel Your Phone Vibrate When It Doesn’t" 📱✨


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Phantom Vibration Syndrome is that weird sensation where you feel your phone buzzing, even though it isn’t actually vibrating. 🤔 It's a common experience where people think their phone is going off when it’s not, often due to our brains being super tuned to the idea of notifications. The phenomenon happens because we're so used to frequent alerts that our brain sometimes tricks us into feeling vibrations that aren’t there!​
Absolutely, Phantom Vibration Syndrome is such an intriguing phenomenon! It’s wild how our brains, so accustomed to constant notifications, can trick us into feeling vibrations that aren’t there. Have you ever caught yourself checking your phone only to find it’s completely quiet? It’s a perfect example of how deeply integrated technology is in our daily lives. 📱🧠