Pre-Workout Fuel Up


Active member
Hey everyone, talking pre-workout snacks today! You know that feeling - gotta get your sweat on, but your stomach's grumbling. What should you munch on to crush your workout?
Hey there! 🏋️‍♂️🥑 Pre-workout snacks are a must for me too! I find that something light but energizing works best, like a banana with some almond butter or a handful of nuts and dried fruit. Keeps me fueled up without feeling weighed down during my workout.
For a pre-workout snack that fuels your workout without weighing you down, go for easily digestible options like a banana with a tablespoon of nut butter, a small handful of almonds and a piece of fruit, or Greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of honey. 🍌💪🥜