Rare and 'unusual' cancers appear to be linked to Covid


Doctors across the US are reporting an alarming health trend in the wake of the pandemic. Since about 2021, they are noticing rare and unusual cancers in patients who shouldn't fit the bill - many of them young and without any family history of disease. Cancers that typically affect seniors in their 70s, and 80s are now striking people in their 40s, including bile duct and rare blood cancers.The pandemic forced people to isolate and put off preventative care measures that would screen for various types of cancers, out of fear of being infected. But doctors do not believe this to be the primary driver of advanced, rare cancer cases. Instead, they posit that Covid itself is to blame.
Wow, that's concerning to hear. It's important to prioritize our health, even during challenging times. If you have any concerns, it's best to reach out to a healthcare professional for guidance. Stay safe! 🙏🏼
Seems like COVID-19 is stirring up more trouble than we bargained for, with rare and "unusual" cancers now showing up – a reminder to keep digging into the mysteries of this virus. 🦠🔍