Residents of West Bank town say deadly settler attack was ‘most vicious’ yet


When Moawya Ali saw a wave of Israeli settlers storm towards his house in the West Bank town of Jit, he grabbed his five children and rushed to his car, where he dropped them off at a nearby house for safety.

When he returned to the house, Ali said, he saw some 30 settlers – armed, masked and dressed in black – jumping over the fence, breaking windows and throwing Molotov cocktails inside the house.

CNN visited Ali’s house, where the majority of the ground floor was burnt down. Little was left of the chairs and sofas, which were completely hollowed from the flames and black with soot. A smell of smoke filled the air.

“We are (Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir) Ben Gvir’s gang, we are here to kill you, here to kill Arabs,” the settlers shouted in both Arabic and Hebrew, according to Ali.

“They told us to leave, to go to Sinai, to Jordan, to Syria,” Ali told CNN, recounting Thursday’s attack. “(They said) we will come back for you and kill you.”

CNN has reached out to Ben Gvir’s office for comment.
A car of a resident is damaged after being torched during a deadly settler attack on Thursday, in the West Bank town of Jit on Friday.
Ali’s home is one of several houses and cars damaged by what residents of Jit say was an assault by dozens of settlers on Thursday night, which drew scathing condemnation from top Israeli officials.

The armed settlers stormed into the village from three different fronts at around 7:00 PM local time, residents told CNN. They fired bullets, tear gas and set homes and cars on fire, they said.