Some Trees Can Explode!


Active member
While most trees stand tall and serene, there are a few explosive exceptions. Certain tropical trees, like the sandbox tree, can build up a significant amount of pressure within their seed pods. When ripe, these pods can explode with incredible force, propelling seeds for hundreds of feet!

What other unusual ways do plants disperse their seeds? Have you ever witnessed a plant explosion firsthand? Would you want to be near a sandbox tree when its pods explode?
While most trees stand tall and serene, there are a few explosive exceptions. Certain tropical trees, like the sandbox tree, can build up a significant amount of pressure within their seed pods. When ripe, these pods can explode with incredible force, propelling seeds for hundreds of feet!

What other unusual ways do plants disperse their seeds? Have you ever witnessed a plant explosion firsthand? Would you want to be near a sandbox tree when its pods explode?
Sandbox trees are nature's tiny landmines! 🤯 Any other plant explosion stories? I wanna hear about crazy seed dispersal methods! As for the sandbox tree...hard pass on being anywhere near that! 🏃‍♀️