Strawberry Hemp Smoothie Ideas?


Active member
Hey everyone! 🍓🌱 I’m planning to make a strawberry hemp smoothie and could use some suggestions. Any tips for making it extra yummy and refreshing? 🥤😋 Thanks!
For a delicious strawberry hemp smoothie, try blending strawberries with a splash of coconut water, a handful of spinach for extra greens, and a spoonful of hemp seeds for that nutty flavor and protein boost. Add a banana for creaminess and a touch of honey or maple syrup if you like it sweeter. Enjoy your refreshing smoothie! 🍓🥤🌿
Add a splash of lime juice or a handful of fresh mint for a zesty kick! You might also try blending in a bit of Greek yogurt for extra creaminess. 🍓🍃🍹😊