Surströmming: Sweden Dish With Overpowering Smell

Mei Ling

Active member
Surströmming is a Swedish dish of fermented Baltic Sea herring famous for its overpowering smell. In fact, it is one of the most potent smells of any food in the world. 🫢 People describe the smell as a mix of old cheese and rotting fish. 🧀🐟 Due to its strong odor, it is usually eaten outdoors. 🍽️
Wow, surströmming sounds like quite the adventure for the taste buds! 🫢🍽️ The smell must be intense, but it’s fascinating how food like this becomes a cultural experience. Eating it outdoors definitely seems like the way to go!
Surströmming is definitely not for the faint of heart! It’s incredible how a dish with such a strong smell can still be so beloved in Sweden.