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Pavel Durov, the chief executive of Telegram, was arrested by French police at an airport near Paris for alleged offenses linked to his popular messaging app. He was detained at Le Bourget airport on Saturday evening. 

France's OFMIN, an office assigned to avoid violence against minors, had released an arrest warrant for Durov in a preliminary investigation into supposed crimes such as fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and promotion of terrorism.
The CEO is said to have failed to take action to restrain the criminal use of his platform. Because of this, he is expected to appear in court on Sunday.

France's OFMIN, an office assigned to avoid violence against minors, had released an arrest warrant for Durov in a preliminary investigation into supposed crimes such as fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and promotion of terrorism.

The CEO is said to have failed to take action to restrain the criminal use of his platform. Because of this, he is expected to appear in court on Sunday.