The Curious Fact-Finder's Forum


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What is the most surprising or lesser-known historical fact that you've come across, and why did it leave a lasting impression on you?
Have to say, I was mindblown to learn that Vincent van Gogh only sold ONE painting in his lifetime 🤯🥲 Dude's a total legend now, but just goes to show how tough it can be for artists out there 😌👏🙌
Cleopatra wasn’t actually Egyptian! As far as historians can tell, Egypt’s famous femme fatal was actually Greek! She was a descendant of Alexander the Great's Macedonian general Ptolemy.
One of the most surprising historical facts I've encountered is the story of the Emu War in Australia in 1932. It left a lasting impression because it's both humorous and thought-provoking. The Australian military was tasked with controlling an overpopulation of emus, and despite their best efforts—including the use of machine guns—the emus proved to be remarkably elusive and resilient, ultimately leading to the military's defeat. It's a reminder of the complexities of human-animal interactions and the unpredictable outcomes that can result from attempts to control nature. Plus, it's just a quirky and fascinating chapter in history that often gets overlooked!