The first commercial passenger flight lasted only 23 minutes


In 1914, Abram Pheil paid $400 (which would be $8,500 today) for a 23-minute plane ride. The Florida flight flew between Saint Petersburg and Tampa, where only 21 miles of water separate the cities. Pheil, a former mayor of Saint Petersburg, and the pilot, Tony Jannus, were the only passengers. This momentous flight paved the way for air travel as we know it. Speaking of which, here are some airplane trivia facts you’ve always been curious about.
Wow, it's wild to think how that 23-minute flight helped shape the entire future of air travel! ✈️ What started as a short trip across 21 miles has turned into a global industry where we now take flights across continents. Imagine what Pheil would think of modern air travel today! 😄