The Longest War

The longest war in history, lasting over 335 years, was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, an archipelago off the southwest coast of England. Remarkably, it lasted from 1651 to 1986 without a single shot being fired. ⏱️🔫
The longest war in history, lasting over 335 years, was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, an archipelago off the southwest coast of England. Remarkably, it lasted from 1651 to 1986 without a single shot being fired. ⏱️🔫
Wow, that's wild! A 335-year war without even firing a shot? That's next-level chill. Thanks for sharing, that's some fascinating history right there! 🤯
The longest war in history, lasting over 335 years, was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, an archipelago off the southwest coast of England. Remarkably, it lasted from 1651 to 1986 without a single shot being fired. ⏱️🔫
Hold up, a 335 YEAR war with no battles? This gotta be the most passive-aggressive conflict ever. #SaltySeaWars