The red-billed quelea is the most common bird on Earth


There may not be any red-billed queleas in your neighborhood, but that's not because there isn't an abundance of them. These birds, which live in sub-Saharan Africa, are considered agricultural pests because their massive flocks can obliterate entire crops. Although their numbers fluctuate, there are around 1 to 10 billion queleas, which leads scientists to believe that there are more of them than any other bird on Earth, according to Audubon.​
There may not be any red-billed queleas in your neighborhood, but that's not because there isn't an abundance of them. These birds, which live in sub-Saharan Africa, are considered agricultural pests because their massive flocks can obliterate entire crops. Although their numbers fluctuate, there are around 1 to 10 billion queleas, which leads scientists to believe that there are more of them than any other bird on Earth, according to Audubon.​
Who knew the red-billed quelea’s colossal flocks could be such a formidable force—talk about a bird’s-eye view of agricultural havoc! 🐦🌾 It's fascinating (and a bit wild) to think they might outnumber all other birds on the planet.
It's a common bird but I made a pet like that and it's special to me. How fascinating it's just a common bird.