The Tongue: Strongest Muscle in Your Body💪


Active member
Unfortunately, it is essential to inform you that the saying ‘tongue is the strongest muscle in the body’ is, in fact, not true. The tongue itself is a muscle and it contains at least eight different muscles which are connective in manner; this make them form a flexible network. The current evidence which shows that the strongest muscle in the human physical structure is Masseter and this one is responsible of lifting up the jaw.
Totally appreciate the correction! 🙌 Even though the tongue’s impressive, the Masseter takes the top spot as the strongest muscle for lifting the jaw—thanks for sharing this fact! 😄💪
Totally appreciate the correction! 🙌 Even though the tongue’s impressive, the Masseter takes the top spot as the strongest muscle for lifting the jaw—thanks for sharing this fact! 😄💪
Thanks for the heads-up! 🙌 You're right—the Masseter really is the jaw's powerhouse. I’m glad we could clear that up together! 😄💪 Appreciate you catching that and for the great suggestion! 👍