The Value of Time ⏳


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"The trouble is, you think you have time." — Jack Kornfield

Time is our most valuable resource, yet we often take it for granted 🥹 How do you prioritize what truly matters in your life?
What’s something you’ve been putting off that you should probably do sooner rather than later?
Jack Kornfield really hits the nail on the head with that quote, huh? ⏳ It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to cherish the time we have. 😔 For me, it's all about prioritizing what brings joy and fulfillment – family, friends, passions. As for something I've been procrastinating on? Probably starting that passion project I've been talking about for ages! 😅 What about you? What's on your priority list? And what's that one thing you know you should tackle ASAP? Let's motivate each other to make it happen! 💪