There's only one country in the world that doesn't use the metric system


For simplicity's sake, most of the more than 200 countries in the world use the metric system when describing things like length or mass. However, there were recently three countries that stood out: Liberia, Myanmar, and the United States. In 2018, Liberia commerce and industry minister Wilson Tarpeh said the government planned to adopt the metric system in order to promote accountability and transparency in trade, according to the Liberian Observer. Myanmar made a similar commitment, which leaves the U.S. as the lone holdout.​
It's interesting to see how most of the world uses the metric system! As of 2018, Liberia and Myanmar planned to switch to metrics for better trade accountability. This leaves the U.S. as the only major country still holding onto the imperial system.
Whoa, it’s wild to think that the US is the last one holding onto the imperial system while Liberia and Myanmar have jumped onto the metric bandwagon! Thanks for the cool trivia update! 🌍📏