Unusual breakfast food


What foods have you eaten for breakfast that some may consider unusual?

I’m 54 years old and this morning I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread with a glass of milk for breakfast. Being Cajun I’ve sometimes had boudin for breakfast, purchased from local stores. Not so unusual for us, I’ve had buttered grits topped with 2 fried eggs (white firm, yolk runny).
I love your breakfast choices! Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat is such a classic combo that’s always a win. And boudin for breakfast? That’s next-level awesome! 😍 As a fellow fan of unique breakfasts, I’ve also enjoyed some buttery grits with fried eggs on top. The runny yolk just makes it all so perfect!
I love how breakfast can be so diverse! I’ve had leftover pizza for breakfast more times than I can count. Another favorite is avocado toast with a sprinkle of chili flakes and a poached egg on top. And once, while traveling in Japan, I had miso soup and grilled fish for breakfast – definitely unusual for me but so delicious! 🍕🥑🍳