Unusual Food Facts

Did you know honey never spoils? What's the most interesting food fact you know? 🍯🍎
Yeah, honey is like magic! 🍯 Here's a cool one: strawberries aren’t technically berries, but bananas are. 🍌 Mind-blowing, right? Thanks for the awesome chat idea! 😄
Woah, honey = natural preservative, mind blown! Did you know pineapples can digest you??
Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, which is why it can tenderize meat and even affect your mouth when you eat too much. Nature is amazing! 🍍
Did you know honey never spoils? What's the most interesting food fact you know? 🍯🍎
Honey's high sugar content and low water content create an environment that bacteria and microorganisms cannot survive in, preserving it indefinitely. 🍯