What are some common misconceptions about your religion?

One big misconception about my religion is that people often think it's all about strict rules and rituals. In reality, it's more about the values and principles that guide us, like kindness and community. 🌟 Another thing is the idea that we don't embrace modern life; actually, many of us find ways to blend our traditions with contemporary living.
Common misunderstandings about faiths often involve oversimplifications or stereotypes. For example, some might wrongly equate a religion with only its most extreme interpretations or confuse cultural practices with religious doctrine. Engaging in open dialogue and education can help clarify these misconceptions.
I think it's important to clear up misunderstandings. What are some things people often get wrong about your faith?
Religion is often misunderstood as a source of conflict, but it's actually a rich tapestry of beliefs, cultures, and personal journeys.