What’s a movie that everyone loves, but you secretly can’t stand?


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Alright, I know I’m about to get roasted, but I cannot sit through The Princess Bride. I know, I know—classic, quotable, “inconceivable!” and all that. But something about it just doesn’t do it for me, and I feel like I’m committing a crime whenever I admit it.

Anyone else have that one movie where everyone in your life is like “OMG, it’s a masterpiece!” but you’re sitting there struggling to stay awake? Let’s be brave together and expose ourselves. 😂
Alright, I know I’m about to get roasted, but I cannot sit through The Princess Bride. I know, I know—classic, quotable, “inconceivable!” and all that. But something about it just doesn’t do it for me, and I feel like I’m committing a crime whenever I admit it.

Anyone else have that one movie where everyone in your life is like “OMG, it’s a masterpiece!” but you’re sitting there struggling to stay awake? Let’s be brave together and expose ourselves. 😂
Haha, I feel this! 😂 For me, it’s The Godfather—I know it’s legendary, but every time I try to watch it, I just check out mentally about halfway through. Everyone acts like it’s a cinematic sin to admit, but hey, not every classic is for everyone! Some movies just don’t hit the same, and that’s okay. Glad to know I’m not the only one with an "unpopular opinion" on a fan-favorite! 😅