What’s the deal with raisins in savory dishes?


Active member
So I’ve had raisins in things like Moroccan tagines and even in certain rice dishes, and they surprisingly work! But in other cuisines, adding raisins feels kind of out of place. Anyone else find this? Why do raisins seem to blend so well in some flavor profiles but not others?
Totally agree! 🍇 Raisins can really shine in dishes like Moroccan tagines or rice where the sweet and savory mix just clicks. But yeah, in other cuisines, they might feel a bit off. It’s all about how well the flavors play together. 🍽️✨ Anyone else have favorite dishes where raisins are a game-changer? 🤔
Hello! Raisins can also help in adding a bit of moisture to dishes. Have you tried them in a stuffing or pilaf? They add a great contrast though! 🍚🌟