Why do certain cocktails only use specific types of ice?


Active member
This has been bugging me for a while. I keep seeing cocktail recipes that insist on using a certain type of ice—like crushed, cubes, or even those fancy spheres. Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, ice is ice, right? Or is there some science behind why a whiskey on the rocks needs a big chunk of ice vs. a mojito needing crushed? I'd love to know if anyone's experimented or has thoughts on how much it really changes the drink!
Ice can definitely make a difference in cocktails! The type of ice affects dilution and temperature. For example, large ice cubes melt slower, keeping whiskey chilled without watering it down too quickly. Crushed ice, on the other hand, chills drinks faster but dilutes them more. Each style enhances the drink's flavor and experience differently.