Why do some curries taste better the next day?


Active member
Have you ever noticed that certain curries taste way better as leftovers? I’m wondering why that is—does anyone know what happens overnight that enhances the flavors? Is it true for all types of curry?
Flavor Melding: As curry sits, the spices and ingredients continue to infuse into each other, which can deepen and enhance the overall flavor. The longer it sits, the more integrated the flavors become.
Yes, many curries do taste better as leftovers! This happens because the flavors have more time to meld and develop as they sit. The ingredients continue to infuse each other, enhancing the overall taste. This is true for most curries, though it can vary depending on the ingredients and cooking methods.
Hi. Just like a pre-cooked marinade, the spices in the curry continue to permeate the food even after it's cooked, infusing more flavor into each bite. As the ingredients sit together in the refrigerator, they continue to absorb the flavors around them, making the dish more robust in taste. :)