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  1. YvanaStarr

    Korean Corn Dogs

    Hey everyone! Have you tried making Korean corn dogs? I wanted to make one. Do you have any tips for making one?
  2. YvanaStarr

    DIY Crafting Craze

    Not really crafting, but during the pandemic, it got me hooked on arts like painting and drawing. And I agree that making such things is very rewarding.
  3. YvanaStarr

    Chrystul Kizer Sentenced for Killing Alleged Sex Trafficker

    Chrystul Kizer, a woman who claimed she was a victim of sex trafficking, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for killing her alleged abuser. The case has sparked a complex conversation about survivor justice and the complexities of legal systems in addressing trauma. Let's discuss the...
  4. YvanaStarr

    Doctor's Hilarious Diagnosis

    “Doc, all five of my boys want to be valets when they grow up.” Doctor: Wow! That’s the worst case of parking son’s disease I’ve ever seen.
  5. YvanaStarr

    How Emerging Technologies Influence Religious Rituals and Beliefs 🤖📿

    That's so cool! 🤯 Tech is definitely changing the game for spirituality. It's amazing how we can connect with our faith in new and innovative ways! ✨
  6. YvanaStarr

    Why don’t fish play basketball?

    Oh no! They'd get caught playing basketball! HAHAHA
  7. YvanaStarr

    Aubrey's Epic Kick Energizes Cowboys

    Dallas Cowboys kicker Brandon Aubrey sent shockwaves through the NFL with a jaw-dropping 66-yard field goal during a preseason victory. This incredible feat not only showcased Aubrey's talent but also ignited excitement among Cowboys fans. While just a preseason game, this record-tying kick has...
  8. YvanaStarr

    Is Belief in God a Ticket to Heaven?

    This question delves into a complex aspect of Catholic theology. It explores the idea that a person's moral character, rather than strict adherence to religious practices, might be a more significant factor in determining one's afterlife. Ultimately, it raises the fundamental question: Is belief...
  9. YvanaStarr

    Chaos and Creation: Nietzsche Quotes

    “You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Ever wondered how something beautiful can come from something messy? Nietzsche quotes that you need a little chaos inside to create something truly extraordinary. It's like baking a cake – you need the...
  10. YvanaStarr

    The Craft of Artisan Bread

    Artisan bread is definitely having a moment! 🍞✨ I'm loving the focus on quality and tradition. Haven't tried baking my own yet, but a crusty sourdough is definitely on my list! 😋 What about you?
  11. YvanaStarr

    The doctor said he had to surgically remove my punchlines.

    I asked him why, but...
  12. YvanaStarr

    Tiny Beginnings: Newborn Bottlenose Dolphins

    Newborn bottlenose dolphins are surprisingly small! These adorable marine mammals typically measure between 39 and 53 inches in length at birth. It's amazing to think that these tiny creatures will grow into the intelligent and playful dolphins we all know and love.
  13. YvanaStarr

    Tomatoes: Not So Saucy in the Past

    Believe it or not, tomatoes were once considered poisonous in Europe! Their resemblance to the deadly nightshade plant fueled this fear, keeping them off many dinner tables for centuries.
  14. YvanaStarr

    Plant-based meat: Any exciting new brands to try? 🌱

    Hey! If you’re looking for some new plant-based meat options, check out Impossible Corn Dogs and Trader Joe’s vegan pepperoni. Both are getting great reviews and sound super tasty!
  15. YvanaStarr

    Breaking Won't Break into LA Olympics

    Despite its growing popularity, breakdancing will not make a comeback as an Olympic sport at the 2028 Los Angeles Games.
  16. YvanaStarr

    Why Does Swiss Cheese Have Holes?

    Why does Swiss cheese have holes in it? So Jerry has a place to hide from Tom! 🐭🧀🐱
  17. YvanaStarr

    Mars' Hidden Oceans: A Treasure Too Deep to Reach

    Scientists have discovered vast amounts of liquid water deep beneath Mars' surface, equivalent to entire oceans. Unfortunately, the water is buried too far below the planet's crust to be accessible for potential human exploration or colonization.
  18. YvanaStarr

    Gender Equality in Religious Texts

    Think of it like reading between the lines. Religious texts are old, and sometimes the words don't match how we see the world today. We can look deeper into the teachings to find parts that say everyone is equal and deserves respect, no matter their gender.
  19. YvanaStarr

    Hidden Gems: Indie Finds and Overlooked Movies

    Thank yooou!! Might try to listen and watch this later. 🤗
  20. YvanaStarr

    Leadership Quotes: The Servant Leader's Journey

    "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant." This powerful quote from Max DePree encapsulates the essence of servant leadership. It highlights a leader's role as a reality-shaper, a supporter, and a grateful...